Safe Water Storage

To give life a meaning you need to be a solution provider. The Becky Pot was originated as a solution to the community to help keep drinking water safe and preserved. Mr Musa Tanko is one of the beneficiaries of the OFOODI Safe Water Project. Before now he didn’t know how to treat his water and keep it safe for his family. With the introduction of the pot, he is able to monitor, preserve and treat his water safely, enabling him and his household access to a better health free from cholera, typhoid and other related diseases.
It is always a privilege serving the community… The OFOODI Safe Water Project ” giving out the Becky Pots to households, encouraging a better behaviour and change towards their handling of drinking water, cooking and the environment. #OrientingFoodInternational #SustainableNutrition #FoodSecurity #HealthyNotHungry #Goal2 #ZeroHunger #Food #EndPoverty #EndHunger #Nutritionawareness #HealthyLiving #FoodAdvocacy #GlobalGoals #Nutritionawareness #FoodAdvocacy #SafeWater #Cleanwater #Water #BeckyPots #WaterPots #CommunityDevelopment #TOSDI #SustainableDevelopmentGoals #unfao
One good approach to sustainability in development and livelihoods is to involve the younger generation, get them watching and talking. They are inquisitive, quick to learn, ready to practicalize and they dont forget easily. At the OFOODI Safe Water Project Agu Gbayi Community teaching the children how to use the Closed System “Becky Pots” in the absence of an adult. #OFOODI #TOSDI #SustainableDevelopmentGoals #Endmalnutrition #EndHunger #Nutritionawareness #HealthyLiving #FoodAdvocacy #GlobalGoals #Goal2 #Endmalnutrition #WaterProject #Safewater #DrinkingWater #CleanWater #HealthyLiving #TOSDI #OFOODI #WORLDHEALTHORGANIZATION #Development #Advocacy #Children